We have a range of groups and activities which meet every week during school term time…
first steps stay and play
MONDAYS 9:30am to 10:30am @ St Thomas’ Church
Play, toys, books, chat, refreshments, craft, stories and songs on a Christian theme for babies, toddlers and their carers.
Also, visit our community coffee stop on Wednesdays between 9.30am and 2.30pm @ the Pit Stop, Rathbone Close, Keresley End

Blast has finished for the summer. Details of activities from September 2024 will appear nearer the time.
BL@ST! is a club for all primary school children (Year 1 to Year 6).
Games, craft, songs, Bible stories, team time, drinks, share chair, warm ups, post bag, jokes, pictures.
Fast and fun. Come along and find out more.
50p per week subs.
the space
not restarting yet
SUNDAYS 6pm-7.30pm @ St Thomas’
For ages 11-18 yrs, the space is your space.
Café, craft, games, space to chill, place for questions, come and choose what to do.
50p subs.
Weekday groups do not usually meet during the School Holidays, however we often run special Holiday Clubs. Look out for notices in church, school etc.
Sunday School
Sunday’s 10.30am to 11.30am @ St Thomas’
Bible stories, crafts, songs, prayers and games in groups for primary school-aged children from Reception to Year 6.
Sunday School takes place at the same time as our main morning service so that families can come to church together. Parents can bring children to the Galilee Room before the service begins, and parents of very young children can ask to stay with their children until they are confident to be left (please discuss this with the Sunday School leaders).
When there is a Holy Communion service (usually the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month) children join the service for the sharing of communion with the whole family at about 11.20am. Families can then come forward to receive bread and wine together.
Sundays during the 10.30am Service @ St Thomas’
Learning about Christian things in the context of fun, games, chat and small groups. For school years 7-9.
Pathfinders meet in the vicarage on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month from 10.30 to about 11.20am. They then come over to the church to share in the last part of the Communion Service. On the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, the young people are present in church for the whole service.
Worship for All
Usually the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month @ St Thomas’
On the 1st Sunday of the month children are part of the whole service at 10.30am.
On the 3rd Sunday of the month, although the children start and end the morning in church, they leave for about 25 minutes of their own activities while the adults and young people have more focused teaching. The children then re-join the service for the concluding section.

Messy Breakfast
@ The Pit Stop, Keresley
Once a month there is a “Messy Church” event. See our Messy Church page for further details.