This is our community space in Rathbone Close, Keresley Village, CV7 8LD. It is based in the heart of the village in a row of shops.
Activities are run at The Pit Stop with and for the local community. These include:
- Tuesday – Pitstop Singers 7-8pm @ the Pit Stop (first time free). Currently meeting at St Thomas’ church hall at 7.30pm
- Wednesday – Coffee Stop – a place for village residents to drop in for a drink and a chat, something light to eat, and space for children to play; Food and drink (pay as you can), chat and toys for children 9:30am-2pm
- Thursdays – Table tennis club, under 18s 7-8pm, over 18s 8-9pm
- Fridays – Sewing Bee, 1st and 3rd Fridays 4.30-6pm.
- Saturdays – Messy Breakfast (once a month) 2nd Saturday of the month, 9.30-11am
- pilates group also meets in the Pit Stop. Contact the Parish Office to find out more.
and there are plans for health visitors to be visit regularly, also citizen’s advice and mental health support work.
Everything that takes place at the Pit Stop is in association with St Thomas’ and recognised as such by those who are becoming more involved; it is a welcoming place for all. It is understood that any activities should be in keeping with the principles of the Church; to provide help and support and facilities that support the local community, and that activities that would be unacceptable to the Church are not permitted.